Porto, Portugal, Sunday April 2 to Wednesday April 5, 2023
We would like to announce FOM2023, the next conference in the FOM series. FOM2023 will take place in Porto, Portugal, from Sunday April 2 to Wednesday April 5, 2023. Please note that this will be in the week before Easter 2023.
The FOM2023 conference will take place at Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto, Rua Nova da Alfândega, Edifício da Alfândega, Porto, Portugal.
Important dates
Opening submission of abstracts | Wednesday, October 19, 2022 |
Deadline for the submission of abstracts | Tuesday, January 17, 2023 |
Acceptance of contributions, draft program on the web | Thursday, February 9, 2023 |
Deadline for early registration | Thursday, February 23, 2023 |
FOM2023 Conference | Sunday, April 2 – Wednesday, April 5, 2023 |
Easter Sunday 2023 | Sunday, April 9, 2023 |
FOM2023 continues a long-standing (since 1988), yearly conference series on the latest innovations and developments in (optical) microscopy and their application in biology, medicine, and the material sciences.
The conference will start on Sunday, April 2 with tutorials, followed by parallel sessions, Flash poster presentations and a plenary opening session with invited speakers at the end of the afternoon. The tentative program will be available later this year, and can be found under “Program” on this web site.
If you wish to be kept informed on updates, please subscribe to the Focus on Microscopy email newsletter by filling in this form.
Theory and practice of confocal and multiphoton-excitation microscopy
- Super-resolution, nanoscopy imaging: from PSF engineering (4pi, SIM, STED), fluorescence activation/quenching, stochastic/centroid (PALM, STORM, GSDIM, SOFI and related techniques) to TIRF
- 3D and 4D live cell and tissue imaging
- Adaptive optics for microscopy
- Light sheet microscopy
- Phase/interference based microscopies
- OCT, holography, endoscopy
- Advanced fluorescence imaging/spectroscopy: FRET, FRAP, FLIM, FCS, SOFI
- New fluorescent probes, proteins, quantum dots, single molecule imaging
- Clearing and expansion techniques
- Coherent non-linear microscopies: SHG, THG, SFG, CARS
- Multi-dimensional fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy imaging
- Correlated microscopies e.g. light/electron
- Laser manipulation and tracking, photo-activation
- Fast acquisition, automated and high-content microscopy
- 3D image processing and visualization for multidimensional data.
FOM 2023 presentations
Presentations in a plenary session are scheduled for 40 minutes and oral presentations in parallel sessions for 20 minutes, both including discussion time. In addition, two sessions are reserved for presenting posters (size: 0.94 meter wide x 2.42 meter high).
Detailed information about the previous FOM conferences of the last 20 years can be found on this website under the “About” button. From 2004 onwards also with one page abstracts of the presented contributions. Please note also the “Search FOM database” button for full searches through the whole FOM archive over the years.
The FOM2023 organizers:
- Paula Sampaio, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
- Hans Gerritsen, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Fred Brakenhoff, Honorary member
The FOM2023 conference incorporates the:
36th International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy
35th International Conference on Confocal Microscopy
Inclusivity Policy
The Focus on Microscopy organization is committed to providing equal opportunities and fair treatment for all, regardless of gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, culture or disability. We are dedicated to complying with all relevant laws applicable in relation to discrimination on any of these grounds. We actively seek to advance gender equality throughout our activities, and through a special Inclusivity Committee.
Main sponsor and supporting organization of Focus on Microscopy 2023: